This page should contain version 1+i of MathNote.sg (for WebGL). This is an unofficial release, the User Agreement and Tutorial will be added later probably on the official release date (SG60). The app may not be stable as it is still a work in progress.
The app depends on WebGPU, it cannot run if your browser does not support WebGPU usage.
It is known that the mobile input system is not really good currently, this is to be fixed in future updates.
ChatGPT has only been used to generate the editing space background image (he cannot code properly)
Donating to 05524F has been disabled. To show support, you can donate to giving.sg, follow 05524F.sg on Instagram, join the Discord server (link in the user settings page of the app), and tell your friends about this app.
Published | 12 hours ago |
Status | In development |
Category | Other |
Platforms | HTML5 |
Author | 05524F |
Made with | Unity |